That was awesome! Again, again!
One more time, baby!
The brave man who shouted this during President Obama's ridiculous speech was none other than South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson. Of course, you probably already know that. As you might also know, people got all up in his junk, so he apologized.
He apologizes, right? Apology accepted.
Unfortunately, there were still people demanding another apology. Why? Who knows! Here's what Joe had to say:
Now even though the bill insists that illegal immigrants cannot receive federal benefits, Joe insists otherwise.
House Democrats voted to "discipline" Joe Wilson for the outburst he had already apologized for. This is really starting to get ridiculous. This is the perfect event to distract people from the real health care debate. If Ron Paul were president right now, and someone did that to him, I would try to put my focus back on the health care debate instead of focusing all my energy over some person who accused him of lying. It's not like Joe Wilson got up and shouted the "N" word, now is it?
We have far more serious and negative issues to deal with than some Congressman who accused the president of lying in the heat of the moment, especially if he apologized for it, and the White House accepted his apology. If I were Joe, I would bend down, turn towards House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and say, "Spank me. I'm a bad little boy." Then she'd give me a few firm spanks with her hand for awhile, and they'd leave me alone. If they didn't, I would allow everyone in Congress to give me one free spanking. Boy, would that be fun!
Forget this already, and let's move on.
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