Friday, September 25, 2009

The Indoctrination of a Young Generation

Oh, dear God! Yesterday, I showed a scary worksheet that students had to finish, but today is even scarier. Let's roll the clip, shall we?

Song One:

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama!

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama!

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama!

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama!

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama!


Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama!

Song Two:

Hello, Mr. President! We honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say, "Hooray!"

Hello, Mr. President! You're number one!
The first black president to lead this great nation!

Hello, Mr. President! We honor your great plans
To make this country's economy number one again!

Hooray, Mr. President! We're really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great red, white, and blue!

So continue, Mr. President! We know you'll do the trick
So here's a hearty hip-hooray ...

Hip, hip, hooray!
Hip, hip, hooray!
Hip hip, hooray!
I'm sorry, but the teacher that forced these kids to praise President Obama through song should receive a long lecture and some kind of punishment by the principal. This, for one, cannot stand. How dare a school push its own political agenda on its students? That's preposterous! We don't live in Imperial Japan or Nazi Germany. This is the United States of America, and we're supposed to be letting kids believe what they want to about President Obama. We need to be executing a balanced educational curriculum, not an agenda of political indoctrination.These schools are funded by your tax dollars, people!

Never in my lifetime have I seen a president so scarily worshipped by people across the country. Is he Jesus or something? People kiss the very ground he walks upon. He's taking away our freedoms, sending our children to Afghanistan, and pushing for both mandatory community and military service. On top of that, people are being locked up based on mere suspicion and free speech. Why are we letting this happen?

Have we lost all sanity, people? We need to be aware of these types of things. President Obama is a greedy, power-hungry dictator just like the last president, yet people just ignore it. Those who heavily criticized the Bush administration for the Patriot Act - and rightfully so - are now staying silent. Those who protested the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now pretending that President Obama isn't expanding violence abroad. Obama is simply a black Bush, but no one cares because he calls himself a liberal.

Unfortunately, this isn't the sole example of explicit political indoctrination in our schools and in our children. Just look at these kids:

Ever heard of a little thing called brainwashing? That's exactly what you just saw. It makes me so sad that these kids don't even know what they're singing about. How did we get to this point? I had my doubts about President Obama being a beloved dictator, but now some of the very things that happened during totalitarian regimes are happening now. This isn't Nazi Germany yet. It's far from that, my friends. Unfortunately, we're beginning to see elements of it show up right in front of our faces. We have to stand up and put a stop to these things before it becomes too late.

Oh, there's more clips, my friends. The proof is everywhere. If you thought those last two videos were creepy, you haven't seen anything yet. Take a look at this clip:

Call me paranoid, but a youth brigade praising Obama as if he is the Messiah? That's absolutely terrifying. The people indoctrinating their children seem like geniunely good people, but they know exactly what they're doing.

I don't want my children to be indoctrinated like this. If it was a Republican president that were being worshipped like this, I would be just as terrified. In fact, this just might happen in the future, so I might have to inform my readers of a little thing called neoconservative indoctrination. It's possible, people.

Other forms of indoctrination include kids placing their hearts on their chests and facing toward Obama instead of the American flag; numerous choruses about how great he is; worksheets and curriculums that enforce the administration's political agenda; and kids chanting, "I pledge allegiance to the Earth," instead of, "I pledge allegiance to the flag." The list could go on and on.

Folks, it doesn't stop there. All over the world, kids are being taught to worship the leader of the free world. I may sound like an extremist lunatic, but this is just plain scary:

Just when I began to wonder if this madness would stop, I was proven wrong. I expect more of this to come, and I'm going to continue to inform people of these outrageous situations. There are already schools and roads and buildings named after President Obama. You see his face everywhere! His voice can be heard all over the airwaves. His "teachings" are being put forth to students everywhere.

I want to believe that none of this is happening, but the truth is right in front of us. If we don't take action now, even we will be indoctrinated. These people who are brainwashing our kids are goodhearted people, but they know exactly what they are doing. They know that they are shoving their political agenda down young throats in order to establish a generation that will believe and promote the very same things they are. This brainwashing doesn't just affect our children. It affects us, too. This is by and far one of the creepiest videos I've ever seen in my life:

I'm sorry, but this resembles dictatorial propaganda. This wasn't just shown on television and YouTube. No, no, no. It was also presented to school children. Do you get what I'm trying to say now? If you don't think any of this is creepy, you must be completely and utterly brainwashed. Our president is supposed to serve us, but instead we're being told to serve him. I don't know about you, but I serve no one but me, my partner, my family, my country, and my God. I don't serve any political idol.

What you have just seen, heard, and read is real. I urge you to stop denying it to yourself. I had to. This is just so much to absorb. It's difficult to believe that something like this is happening in our very own country. Our Founding Fathers are rolling around in their graves. Please take the chance to tell everyone you know about this mass indoctrination of our youth and our country. Do it now. Talk to your friends, your families, and your partners. We need to take back America before it's too late.

Viva la revolution!


  1. As a teacher, I am incredibly disturbed by this video of young children being used for a teacher's agenda. These were children who are too young to understand what they are even singing. Were their parents informed of the song they were being taught? Were they given the freedom to decide if this was something they wanted their children to be involved in; to be indoctrinated into? I am greatly alarmed that this was allowed to happen in a public school. It is blatant propaganda, and no student of mine would ever be manipulated in this way. Where is the outcry? As a people who believe in freedom and the protection of our children, why aren't we adamently denouncing this? This is inexcusable, and the parties involved should be held accountable for misusing their positions as teachers.

  2. Yeah really. They denounced him speaking to kids, and they were silent on this? I don't have a problem with the president addressing anyone he wants, but to take a captive audience of any kind and exploit them in such a manner is both dishonorable and tyrannical. I genuinely hope this was not our president's idea but the idea of someone at that school.

  3. Whow, whow, whoa. Let's take a little breather, I can agree with you on some things but on others I simply must correct you.

    The schools that had little kids praising Obama were not under direct instruction to do so, If anything, the schools must be punished for this cult-like praising.

    As Leonard Pitts Jr. of the Miami Herald put it, we need a lesson on Nazi Germany. Nazi's in Nazi Germany are NEVER under any circumstances should be compared to ANY society in the world today. It was the most sickest of atrocities that Nazi's accomplished do you want to know what? "For the record, then: It was Nazis who shoved sand down a boy's throat until he died, who tossed candies to Jewish children as they sank to their deaths in a sand pit, who threw babies from a hospital window and competed to see how many of those "little Jews" could be caught on a bayonet, who injected a cement-like fluid into women's uteruses to see what would happen, who stomped a pregnant woman to death, who once snatched a woman's baby from her arms and, in the words of an eyewitness, "tore him as one would tear a rag." "

    THAT is Nazi Germany I never want to hear that done to anyone ever again it is abosultely cynical.

    Greedy and poer-hungry is a dictator, we have a president. A person we can impeach if he has any wrong duing OUTSIDE the law. The Constitution was created for the people to have to power and we still do, only problem is that people aren't working together to get their voice heard thanks to the now un-unified poeple of the country.

    As for much of what else you said, totally agreed. Biased people and political parties have an afect in our society which lure in others. It's morally, socialy, and politicaly wrong. Unfortunatley the people are aware of it and the government is blind.

  4. Michelle Rosalyn MatthewsSeptember 29, 2009 at 7:40 PM

    As I said, this isnt Nazi Germany, but we the people must never let things go too far. We could have impeached Former President Bush for his criminal acts, but we never did because he gave himself too much executive power. President Obama takes advantage of that, and he takes it further. We can't let our leaders keep doing this!
