Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Necessity of the Men's Movement: Defeating Modern Feminism One Step at a Time

There was a time when feminism actually stood for something. Women fought for their right to vote, fought for their right to work as a man could, and fought for their right to have their voices heard. They were sick and tired of having all of their concerns ignored as if they were just expendable objects to use for the advancement of the male power structure. Women just couldn't take it anymore. They were going to show the world that they were equals who had just as much potential and deserved just as much freedom as any man did. It didn't matter if society said they were supposed to cook, clean, and simply take care of the children. They knew in their hearts that they had the potential to lead the lives they wanted to lead.

With the help of a select few male voices that supported them, the feminist movement grew into something that benefited women of all ages, colors, and backgrounds. Women gained the right to vote, they gained the right to work as a man could, and they gained the right to have their voices heard. The pioneers of classic feminism paved the way for gender egalitarianism for generations to come. But as time passed, things started to go wrong.

The feminist movement was twisted into something that went against everything that the classic feminists stood for: instead of gender equality, these modern feminists began to fight for gender superiority. Instead of targeting sexism, modern feminists started targeting men themselves. Men were twisted into something evil and wicked. Men who emphasize strict gender codes and stereotypes have also perpetuated the problem. We have grown into a society that thinks women deserve our protection the most, but men and children deserve the same kind of treatment.

I see the effects of this new mentality as I hear stories that break my heart. I've read a few stories of men getting raped or beaten. and I have to tell you that they are some of the most horrible stories that I have ever heard. After calling the police, they were often laughed at or disregarded. There are sometimes comments to these stories. Yes, you do get your sympathetic and compassionate reactions, but there are a lot of people saying, "Men can't be raped," "Men aren't victims," "He deserved it," "A real man wouldn't get raped," "A real man wouldn't get beaten," "He was lying." Often, the only support these men could get were from a counselor or a few male or female friends that cared for them when nobody else would.

After all of these years of women fighting for their rights, something unexpected has happened: Men have now been pinned as aggressors and women as victims. Modern feminists aren't the only ones to blame. Men who emphasize strict gender codes and stereotypes have also perpetuated the problem. When did we get to the point where we started to believe that women deserve our protection more than men and children? As a protector and a nurturer, I feel as if it is my duty to protect all of God's children regardless of their differences. I will defend and protect women, men, children, and the unborn to the death. We all deal with things differently, but we're all human beings with feelings.

Now, where do these modern feminist influences come from? You absolutely need to take a look some quotes for yourself. Click on the link, and you'll be amazed.

I mean, come on. Men are supposed to respect women, but women don't need to respect men? Men aren't allowed to earn a higher salary, but it's okay for courts to have a bias towards women in custodial cases? Forced sex upon a woman is rape, but forced sex upon a man isn't to be taken seriously? A man who abuses a woman is evil, but a woman who abuses a man is nothing to worry about? Most feminists would say, "Of course not," to all of these questions, but their ideology has greatly contributed to these subconscious mentalities. No wonder we need a men's movement.

God bless you, and have a fabulous day.


  1. Wow. That was a fantastic post. As someone who supports both men and women, I often have a hard time convincing people that men have ANY problems, or that there is ANYTHING in the world that men are discriminated in.

    I really appreciate your words, and your efforts to help others understand.

    Sincere Thanks,


  2. DisenfranchisedFatherNovember 20, 2009 at 4:54 AM

    Bravo. It cannot be said better, or more clearly.

    I'm a father who was summarily ejected from his children's lives because of false allegations of abuse lodged by the children's mother. She was actively having and affair and drinking, at the time she made the allegations. She had every motivation to lie, and because of the reluctance to pursue perjury charges in family law cases, she had no disincentive to lie. Despite my proof that many of her sworn statements were false, the judge accepted many of her other (unprovable) statements as true. Bye bye, Daddy.

    This really happens. It is possible only because of the radical feminist agenda now rooted into the family court system. Where the woman is the victim and truthteller, and the man is a problem to be managed around, an income stream to be tapped.

    I'm not a nutcase lobbying for a rollback of women's rights, which are nothing more than human rights that extend to everyone regardless of gender, color, or sexual orientation. Kudos to the early leaders of the cause for fighting so long and so well in attaining those advances, in attaining recognition of the inequities all around us, and in finding and working towards solutions. We'll look back on the 20th century as the one where we emerged from the dark ages. But we'll look at the early 21st century as the time where feminist fundamentalism hurt many innocent people, and brought a darkling cloud over gender relations.

  3. Michelle Rosalyn MatthewsNovember 20, 2009 at 9:14 PM

    Awwwwwwwww. I'm so sorry that something like that happened to you, and thank you for your comment. If that happened to me, I would be devastated. If I could give you a hug, I would, and I hope she burns in Hell for what she did to you. I hope you find a woman who will treat you right, and I hope that you get to be reunited with your children someday. They were most likely hurt by this as much as you were. God bless you and your kids.

  4. Michelle Rosalyn MatthewsNovember 20, 2009 at 9:14 PM

    Awwwwwwwww. I'm so sorry that something like that happened to you, and thank you for your comment. If that happened to me, I would be devastated. If I could give you a hug, I would, and I hope she burns in Hell for what she did to you. I hope you find a woman who will treat you right, and I hope that you get to be reunited with your children someday. They were most likely hurt by this as much as you were. God bless you and your kids.
