Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Health Care Bill: Passed in the House of Representatives

We all knew this was coming. Even as we frantically tried to call Congress to put a stop to this horrific piece of legislation, we knew in our hearts that it would amount to nothing. Our leaders don't listen, and we've known that for a very long time. One of the worst bills in history is about to become reality. Kiss your freedoms goodbye, America.

Progressives thought about what "free" or subsidized health care would do for millions of those who cannot afford health care. Without considering the economic consequences of such a disastrous idea, the social benefits of such a proposal seemed to outweigh any negatives whatsoever.

No one really took enough time to factor in the Federal Reserve: This team of global elites has been printing money like madmen since the very beginning, resulting in recession after recession. The value of our dollar has been plummeting, and yet, we want to continue with failed Keynesian policies that create nothing but illusionary wealth. Our politicians keep begging for inflation and dollar depreciation in order to fund their massive budgets. Without the Federal Reserve, our politicians would be forced to live within their means instead of spending and expanding without limit. Unfortunately, people now think that big government is the answer to all of our problems, and therefore want to sustain the Federal Reserve so that the government can keep gaining more control.

When this bill is passed in the Senate and signed by our president, many things will happen. Small businesses will inevitably see tax hikes. Prices will go up, wages will be cut, and quality of service will plummet. We'll have to beg China for money again, increasing our debt dramatically. Competition will suffer, and with it, innovation will also suffer. With all of the new regulations on the insurance industry, and the lax oversight of the government option, the government will inevitably have the upper hand. They'll be able to seize their funds by force, whether people like it or not. Since everyone will be required by law to have insurance, those who do not have it will be forced into the government option, sending premiums even further through the roof. There will no longer be an incentive to provide better care. Government-run health care will take control.

Worst of all, money will print at rapid speed, increasing inflation and making our dollar worthless. Everyone invested in our dollar will suffer, leading to mass poverty worldwide. At the mercy of tyrannical governments and wealthy bankers, we will beg to be saved. We will no longer own ourselves.

Enjoy your freedom while it lasts, for it could be worse. At least we're not living in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union - yet.


  1. Well the good news is polling and recently elections seem to be showing that there will be Hell to pay for this, and if we can outflank em' in 2010, we can issue a kill order then. As prohibition proved, it's never too late to kill a bill, and most of it won't even be in effect for a couple years. Tax dollars will be wasted, but Seattle, WA killed a monorail that had received over a billion dollars in research funds.

  2. Michelle Rosalyn MatthewsNovember 8, 2009 at 9:20 PM

    Really? Way to stay optimistic! Wish I was like that.
