With the rising popularity of the Progressive movement, however, that all started to change. Family started to crumble as an institution when careers were put over loved ones. When people were coerced into giving, generosity and human kindness no longer became the main reasons to give, and those things started to fade away as decades passed. Secularism spread rapidly as leaders denounced religion, faith, and God as unnecessary and unreasonable. Patriotism began to be regarded as nothing but foolish pride rooted in bigotry and hatred. Believing in personal responsibility, self-virtue, and hard work began to be represented as cold and cruel. Staying at home to spend time with children began to be dismissed as socially unacceptable and backward.
Instead of communicating with their children, providing them with care, and making sure that time was spent in order to instill strong moral values, parents simply gave their kid a computer, a television, and a video game system to occupy them with as they went off and either worked, shopped, went out, or did who knows what with whom. Marriage began to be regarded as not a sacred institution that created a virtuous structure, but rather a legal benefits system which would financially support people. People began to manipulate the system, often divorcing their partner in order to take money that wasn't theirs, depriving children of one parent or another, or simply as a means of revenge rather than a personal necessity to be used only when the marriage had no way of being rekindled.
And now President Obama wants to take away your children completely. Take a look at this:
What you have just seen and heard is real. President Obama wants to eliminate summer vacation and keep you away from your kids for a longer amount of time by forcing schools to extend the school day. Damn straight that isn't going to be a popular idea, and for the right reasons! In this day in age, what kids need is more time with their parents, but instead, we're furthering the problem by adding on to it. Does it make any sense that politicians seem to think that destroying the very foundations of our society is the only means of advancing it? In fact, that is the very idea behind the Progressive movement, no matter what anyone tries to tell you.
I surely hope that President Obama doesn't get his way. I hope people wake up and stand up for themselves. I hope that if he does get away with this, parents take the initiative to pull their children out of school and either home school them or send them to a private institution that will allow for more time to spend with parents. I know damn well that America isn't stupid, and so do the rest of you.
Unfortunately, another problem arises. Public schools are now indoctrinating students with socialist propaganda. No wonder President Obama wants shorter summers and longer school days! He knows that these actions will further the totalitarian New World Order agenda. Are we really going to stand for this?
Some people say I have a way with blowing things way out of proportion, but you just wait and see what happens with this country! We're destroying ourselves from the inside, and we will be the ones to blame for the obliteration of our Republic. Look what the schools are doing to our children:
I feel so sorry for the kids who are being deceived and lied to by our leaders and teachers. I look into the eyes of that adorable little Muslim girl, and I see innocence and youth. It pains me that she is unaware of the things that are happening around her in this country. We are a far cry from being free at last. Our freedoms are being taken away, our property is being stripped from us, and the imperialistic American empire is gaining control over our lives and our minds.
These kids seem so kind and gentle. It breaks my heart to see them manipulated this way. I remember the magic of childhood, but I don't remember any of this. I feel like my spirit is being crushed as I watch our nation fall under the trance of a great and powerful dictatorship.
This made me cry:
With the indoctrination of our youth and the crumbling of our nation, horrible things are happening all over America and the rest of the world. Endless wars are being waged, family is no longer considered sacred, values are being thrown right out the window, and people are needlessly dying due to the loose moral structure our society has succumbed to. If you need proof of this, you only need to look around you. Observe what is happening. America used to be a very different place. It was rare for this type of thing to happen:
This event sends tears to my eyes. What has our society come to? This isn't the America that former generations grew up with. It's a new and scary America that doesn't at all reflect the principles of our Founding Fathers. Not a single witness intervened to help this poor, defenseless honor student. The kids just stood there, laughing and unaffected. There were a few people fleeing the scene, but no one was crying or screaming or showing any kind of sorrow whatsoever. This is despicable, people!
I was talking to my mother the other day, and she discussed how her late father predicted everything that is happening now. He predicted that socialism would infest our culture, that our government would become more and more corrupt with each passing year, that we would run into an inevitable economic recession, that our children would be indoctrinated in our schools, that our system would work off inflationary deficit spending rather than sound economic policy, and that a charismatic and influential leader would rise to power and make Marxist ideology look wonderful to the masses.
Only we can make sure that our youth are prevented from falling into these socialist traps. Parents, teachers, priests, leaders, adults: We need to stand up and protect those that are too defenseless to help themselves. We can't let this happen any longer. Let us shout from our heart and let the spirit of God guide us into making our country the place it used to be once again. It's time for us to take back America.
Viva la revolution!
Have a fabulous day. God bless you, and God bless America.
Heck yeah. This is what we need everyone to see. Things are falling apart and its only up to us to make things work again. If we don't pull our heads out, and take a stand, America is not going to get better. Only together can we actually fix the problems we have created.